Dynamic Protection Solutions is dedicated to ensuring firearms training is available for all. Whether providing instruction at a live range or in the comfort of your home, DPS upholds industry standards while providing top tier training.
Shannon Gray, Owner
Shannon is a retired Army combat veteran who served our country for eleven years, including tours in Afghanistan, Iraq, and Kuwait. His motivation for enlisting in the Army was to be a part of something bigger by serving our great nation. After being medically retired, Shannon utilized his Army training and discovered his passion for firearms instruction. Through this, he trains people in firearms safety, in home defense, and everything in between. Shannon began as a firearm instructor in 2016. Since then, he has developed a teaching style conducive for all ages and skill sets.
Shannon’s training methods promote a safe and functional training environment! He enjoys working with students that are new to the sport. Whether it’s a parent seeking help with home defense or someone in need of concealed carry training, Shannon will provide exceptional instruction while keeping the student comfortable.
Shannon believes no matter how much you know about this industry, you can always learn more. This belief is why he actively trains with high-level instructors. Continuing to train among some of the best in the profession ensures he maintains the skills necessary for teaching, plus he loves it!
When Shannon isn’t providing instruction or training to sharpen his skills, you can find him on the golf course, riding motorcycles (both on and off the racetrack), Brazilian JIU jitsu, skydiving, or snowboarding.